dear universe please help me quotes

31+ “Dear Universe Please Help Me” Quotes

Do you need help from the universe? Please ask for it and you shall receive. These “help me universe quotes” will help you to ask in the right way.

The universe is made up of stars and planets, but also of failures, burnt-out hopes and shattered dreams. But if you look closely enough, you’ll see that it’s also made up of successes and beautiful surprises.

When you’re feeling down and out, just remember that there’s a lot of people worse off than you. When you need help, it’s OK to ask. When you’re ready to succeed, the universe will help you out!

Related: Ask the universe Yes/No

Help Me Universe Quotes

  1. Help me universe, because I need to get back on track with my goals.
  2. Dear God, please put me in a position where I can help others.
  3. Help me universe, help me find my way.
  4. Shine on, Universe. Your light is so powerful and yet it doesn’t seem to have any effect on me. But your light has an effect—I just don’t know what it is. That’s why I’m asking you to shine on me again…
  5. You’re the only one who can help me make sense of my ideas, answer my questions and give me room to grow.
  6. Help me Universe, to see things as they really are. To see life as it truly is, and to feel just a little more compassion for myself and others. I’m counting on you.
  7. The world needs more love, laughter and fun. Help me universe with these three things.
  8. Hello universe. It’s been a while. I know, I know…you’re busy with all the other things…but hey. Can you do me a favor? How about taking a minute out of your busy schedule to help me get through this rough patch.
  9. Now and forever, in this life and the next, help me universe.
  10. Help Me Universe, I’m feeling a little overwhelmed right now.
  11. Help me Universe, I’m a little lost.
  12. Don’t be afraid to get out of your comfort zone. The universe has more in store for you than anything you can imagine.
  13. Hello universe, it’s me. You know what’s up!
  14. Help me universe, it’s time to get my life where I want it to be.
  15. I ‘ve been trying to make it all on my own, but I need a little help from above.
  16. Help me universe, I can’t do this alone.
  17. I hope it’s not too late, but I need you to help me figure out what I want to do with my life.
  18. I’m looking for some help from the universe.
  19. If you see me, please help me. I’m lost and confused in this vast universe.
  20. Hey Universe, I need your help. Can you send me a sign?
  21. Help me find that thing I truly want to do.
  22. I need a little extra help this week. Can you do that?
  23. I’m asking for help, but I’m not begging. I need you to help me survive this thing called life. I need your support and company through the hard times.
  24. I need your help to take me to the next level of my life.
  25. I need your help to make this world a better place. Help me universe.
  26. When you feel like giving up, remember: The universe is trying to tell you something.
  27. The universe is your biggest cheerleader—even when you doubt yourself the most.
  28. I ask for strength and guidance in all my endeavors, so that I may succeed.
  29. I’m just asking for your help to give me the strength, wisdom and courage to face whatever comes my way.
  30. I’ve been feeling a little down and I need your help to get through it.
  31. Hey Universe,I’m not sure how many times I’ve had to say this in my life but today I need you. Tell me what to do and how to be a better person.
  32. In a world of self-doubt, will you help me stay positive?
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Final Words:

When you are feeling down, remember that the universe is always working for you. Remind yourself that times are different from person to person and that no matter how bad things may seem, there is always a way out. You just need to believe and be patient.

The universe is full of incredible things waiting for us to see, hear, and experience. So go ahead and make the most of it today.

And never forget to get help from the universe—it’s always there. Have an amazing day!

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