No Matter what type of struggle or pain you are going through, my updated collection of healing quotes will help you recover from that pain and give you the strength to move forward. These quotes about healing will also inspire you to look at life from a different perspective.
As soon as healing takes place, go out and heal somebody else.
– Maya Angelou

Quotes On Healing
1. “Healing starts from the moment you forget about your past misery and start imagining the future you want.” – Nitin Namdeo

2. “Wounds are not cured by scratching, they have to be ignored for some time only when they heal.” – Nitin Namdeo

3. “Focus on good things, other things will heal itself.” – Nitin Namdeo

4. “No medicine can replace the healing power of love and friendship, laughter and jokes.” – Nitin Namdeo

5. “How can you heal a wound that is not there, sometimes your pain is just an illusion of your thoughts.” – Nitin Namdeo

6. “I believe that when you are happy, you are in healing mode.” – Nitin Namdeo

7. “Sometimes healing means spending quality time with old friends around the glow of a campfire in a distant forest.” – Nitin Namdeo

8. “Laughter and love is the key to a happy and healthy life.” – Nitin Namdeo

9. “No matter what type of injury you have, nature has the ability to heal you perfectly.” – Nitin Namdeo

10. “To live a blissful life, spread love around the world.” – Nitin Namdeo

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Inspirational Healing Quotes
11. “The wound is the place where the Light enters you.” – Rumi
12. “The emotion that can break your heart is sometimes the very one that heals it.” – Nicholas Sparks
13. “Our wounds are often the openings into the best and most beautiful part of us.” – David Richo
14. “Just like there’s always time for pain, there’s always time for healing.” – Jennifer Brown
15. “The practice of forgiveness is our most important contribution to the healing of the world.” – Marianne Williamson
16. “You’ve been criticizing yourself for years and it hasn’t worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens.” – Luis L. Hay
17. “Healing is an art. It takes time, it takes practice. It takes love.” – Maza Dohta
18. “The practice of forgiveness is our most important contribution to the healing of the world.” – Marianne Williamson
19. “Ultimately, there can be no complete healing until we have restored our primal trust in life.” – Georg Feuerstein
20. “It’s not forgetting that heals. It’s remembering.” – Amy Greene
21. “Awareness is the first step in healing.” – Dean Ornish
22. “Every step taken in mindfulness brings us one step closer to healing ourselves and the planet.” – Thich Nhat Hanh
23. “To me, forgiveness is the cornerstone of healing.” – Sylvia Fraser
24. “The key to dealing with pain is not minding that it hurts.” – Ed Latimore
25. “Healing does not mean going back to the way things were before, but rather allowing what is now to move us closer to God.” – Ram Dass
26. “We are healed of a suffering only by experiencing it to the full.” – Marcel Proust
27. “Healing is the discovery of the Divinity within.” – Ernest Holmes
28. “Our sorrows and wounds are healed only when we touch them with compassion.” – Buddha
29. “Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be.” – Abraham Lincoln
30. “Healing yourself is connected with healing others.” – Yoko Ono
Spiritual Healing Quotes
31. “The secret of health for both mind and body is…live the present moment wisely and earnestly.” – Buddha
32. “The final and only act of healing is to accept that there is nothing wrong with you.” – Robert Holden
33. “One small action of love can do far, far more for a soul than all the most beautiful words in the world.” – Eileen Caddy
34. “This moment is all there is.” – Rumi
35. “The Way is not in the sky; the Way is in the heart.” – Buddha
36. “Your body would not get sick if you held no thought of resentment. It is neither good nor bad of itself. If we hold anything against anyone, we will suffer ourselves.” – Donna Goddard
37. “The wounded mind must be reset like a fractured bone. It cannot heal itself without spiritual realignment.” – Anthon St. Maarten
38. “All pain is the result of resistance to the natural self.” – Bashar
39. “Spiritual healing is KNOWING that the body is perfect. Mental healing is effecting a perfect body by visualizing the body as perfect.” – Lester Levenson
40. “Spiritual healing occurs as we begin to consciously reconnect with our essential being – the wise, loving, powerful, creative entity that we are at our core.” – Shakti Gawain
Healing Quotes
41. “When you start caring about life, you start loving yourself more and then you start recovering.” – Nitin Namdeo
42. “People with flexible mind heal faster than those who cling to their inertia instead of adopting new ideas and beliefs.” – Nitin Namdeo
43. “Maybe others can make you sick but you always have the power to heal yourself.” – Nitin Namdeo
44. “Fear and stress are the cause of all mental and physical illnesses, nothing can heal you unless you leave it.” – Nitin Namdeo
45. “Healing takes time, give yourself comfort, take a deep breath and have faith in the god.” – Nitin Namdeo
46. “If you have strong will power then you can come out of any problem or disease.” – Nitin Namdeo
47. “No matter how poor you are, you can always heal the heart of those who need your love.” – Nitin Namdeo
48. “If you have been given misery then you also will have peace.” – Nitin Namdeo
49. “Many of them are sick because they are unable to forgive.” – Nitin Namdeo
50. “You never know who you are healing with your kindness. Always be kind.” – Nitin Namdeo
Self Healing Quotes
51. “Your thoughts affect your neurology and your neurology affects your biology, positive thoughts in your mind can cure any disease.” – Nitin Namdeo
52. “You have been given this life to celebrate, nothing is against you. It is your thoughts that make you sick, always be positive and be healthy.” – Nitin Namdeo
53. “You are your only medicine, spend more time with yourself, expect nothing from others, be yourself and you will be introduced to a beautiful world you deserve.” – Nitin Namdeo
54. “Nature is not the place that heals only your mind and body but it heals your soul too.” – Nitin Namdeo
55. “To move your life towards healing, shift your focus from pain to peace.” – Nitin Namdeo
56. “Once you start loving your life then life starts loving you back and when life starts loving you then all the sorrows and pains from your life go away.” – Nitin Namdeo
57. “You are responsible for your health, what you eat, how you breathe and when you sleep, it affects your entire biological system.” – Nitin Namdeo
58. “True love can heal every type of wound.” – Nitin Namdeo
59. “Natural places bring peace to our mind, which removes physical and mental illnesses.” – Nitin Namdeo
60. “To heal yourself, stop hurting others.” – Nitin Namdeo
61. “Don’t hate them for what they did to make you sad, but love yourself for what you do to make yourself happy.” – Nitin Namdeo
62. “Some pain causes us to heal.” – Nitin Namdeo
63. “Every act of your kindness gets you closer to your healing process and makes you healthier, stronger and happier.” – Nitin Namdeo
64. “When you start living life in a natural way, all your troubles and sorrows begin to go away and you start enjoying a life full of possibilities.” – Nitin Namdeo
65. “Love everything you have to get everything you want, you are not alone that suffer misery.” – Nitin Namdeo
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