prayer quotes

32 Prayer Quotes To Be Grateful

Prayer Quotes: Prayer is a very beautiful way of connecting with God. If you believe in it, you definitely get the answer to your prayer. In prayer always thank God that he always kept you safe in every condition and wake you up every morning to give you a new life.

Quotes About Prayer

Prayer should be included in the habit of your daily life. By praying, your heart is cleansed and your life begins to change in a positive manner.

Here are some prayer quotes for you that will help you to believe in the power of prayer.

Inspirational Prayer Quotes

1. Prayers are simple words full of gratitude.

2. Prayer should be a regular habit of every human being, it teaches you to be honest with yourself.

3. By praying with a true heart, the soul is pure and you get connected to the infinite power.

4. Prayer is an integral part of every religion because it fills man with a sense of satisfaction.

5. You do not need words to pray. You just need emotions.

6. Whether you are feeling good or bad, don’t forget to pray.

7. God is always listening to everyone, you just forget to pray.

8. When you learn to forgive people, see the goodness in others and start respecting everyone, then God starts listening to your prayers.

9. When there is a glimpse of prayer in your words, there are miracles in your life.

10. Praying is easy for everyone because it is done with emotions, not with words.

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11. Do not pray only, believe it too.

12. Don’t just pray, believe too

13. Prayer is not a religious thing, it’s a spiritual thing.

14. Prayer should be done not to “ask” but to “thank”.

15. You are alive today and you don’t need any other reason to pray.

16. On suspicion, we do not get the answers to our prayers.

17. If God wakes you up every morning, then it is your duty to tell them that you are alive.

18. By praying with positive expressions every morning, you attract positivity for your entire day.

19. Believe it, you will definitely get answer to it.

20. Prayer is the best way to express your gratitude.

21. Praying is not a big deal, but often people forget to pray entangled in big things.

Prayer For Strength

22. Prayer is the key to connect with infinite power.

23. A person who lies can never pray and a person who is praying will never lie. Prayer is a voice that comes out of a true heart.

24. If you want to eliminate the evils of others then pray for them. Prayer has great power.

25. Every person believes in some power, the power that gives him life, in which he sees the right path in difficult moments, so every person should bow down and pray in front of that power.

26. Prayer is nothing more than showing faith in God.

27. Not everyone’s prayer is accepted because not everyone believes in God.

28. Your every prayer get the answer but when you start losing trust it goes back.

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29. Don’t pray for yourself. Pray for water, pray for air, pray for nature, pray for forest and river and most importantly pray for humanity.

30. Nowadays, people pray only in the name of religion while prayer should be for humanity.

31. Everyone does the prayer, but only selfless people can make a connection with God.

32. Everybody whose heart is clean, who wants good for the world, their every word is like a prayer.

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