Are you looking for parenting quotes? If yes, then you’ve come to the right place. We have compiled some of the best parenting quotes from famous personalities. These quotes are sure to inspire parents everywhere.
Parenting is a challenging job. There are no two ways about it. The responsibility of raising children is something that every parent has to deal with at some point or another. And even though it can be tough, it’s also very rewarding.
Parents often struggle with finding the balance between being strict and giving their kids freedom. They want to give them guidance and teach them values, but they don’t want to overdo it. This is why they look for parenting quotes to help guide them through these tricky situations.
Children are not a distraction from more important work. They are the most important work.
– CS Lewis
Good Parenting Quotes
1. “One of the best gifts parents can give their children is to show interest in their small matters.” – Nitin Namdeo

2. “Your relation with your children affects all other relations of your children.” – Nitin Namdeo

3. “As a parent your responsibility is not only to teach morals to your children but also to show them.” – Nitin Namdeo

4. “Good parents know how to control their negative emotions in front of their children.” – Nitin Namdeo

5. “No good parents are impatient with their kids.” – Nitin Namdeo

6. “Remember, good take care of your physical and mental health is the part of taking care of your children.” – Nitin Namdeo

7. “You cannot raise a good child without killing an impatient version of yourself.” – Nitin Namdeo

8. “Show confidence in front of your kids and they’ll emerge as irresistible youth.” – Nitin Namdeo

9. “Your every action, behavior, and emotion reflects on your children, be aware of what reflection are you creating on your children.” – Nitin Namdeo

10. “The words you use while communicating with your kids are the words they use while communicating to the world.” – Nitin Namdeo

Inspirational Parenting Quotes
11. “To be in your children’s memories tomorrow, you have to be in their lives today.” – Barbara Johnson
12. “Being a mother is learning about strengths you didn’t know you had… and dealing with fears you didn’t know existed.” – Linda Wooten
13. “As your kids grow they may forget what you said, but won’t forget how you made them feel.” – Kevin Heath
14. “Your kids will remember the adventure you went on, not the stuff you bought them. Kids outgrow stuff, they never outgrow adventures.”
15. “The way we talk to our children becomes their inner voice.” – Peggy O’Mara
16. “If your children fear you, they cannot trust you. If they cannot trust you, they cannot learn from you.” – Lori Petro
17. “Bad moments don’t make bad moms.” – Lisa Terkeurst
18. “First and foremost, we need to be the adults we want our children to be.” – Brene Brown
19. “Your job as a parent is to teach your kids how to deal with disappointment, not to keep them from it.”
20. “Be who you need when you were young.”
21. “Children have never been very good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to imitate them.” – James Baldwin
22. “Your children become what you are. So be what you want them to be.”
23. “Parenting is hard, especially trying to be patient with little version of impatient you.”
24. “Embrace the unique way your child is blooming – even if it’s not in the garden you imagined.” – Jenn Sochnlin
25. “The sign of great parenting is not the child’s behaviour, but the parent’s behaviour.” – Andy Smithson
Best Quotes About Parenting
26. “Kids are like a mirror, what they see and hear they do. Be a good reflection for them.”
27. “The kids who need the most love will ask it in the most unloving ways.”
28. “The attitude that you have as a parent is what your kids will learn from, more then what you tell them. They don’t remember what you tell them, they remember what you are.” – Jim Henson
29. “When a child can’t calm down they need connection and comfort, not criticism and control.” – Jane Evans
30. “Motherhood is about raising and celebrating the child you have, not the child you thought you would have.” – Joan Ryan
31. “Taking care of yourself is part of taking care of your kids.” – Lenny Lemons
32. “There are places in the heart you don’t even know exists until you love a child.” – Anne Lamott
33. “Don’t worry that children never listen to you; worry that they are always listening to you.” – Robert Fulghum
34. “You do not have to make your children into wonderful people. You just have to remind them that they are wonderful people. If you do this consistently from the day they are born they will believe it easily.” – William Martin
35. “Your kids require you most of all to love them for who they are, not to spend your whole time trying to correct them.” – Bill Ayers
36. “Too much love never spoils children. Children become spoiled when we substitute presents for presence.” – Anthony Withman
37. “Children don’t need more things. The best toys a child can have is a parent who gets down on the floor and play with them.” – Bruce Perry
38. “Remember you are not managing an inconvenience. You are raising a human being.” – Kittie Franz
39. “Be careful of your words and actions around your child. They will remember them years after you forget.”
Short Parenting Quotes
40. “Don’t raise your kids to have more than you had, raise them to be more than you were.”
41. “Every happy memory created for a child is another treasure of a lifetime.” – Donna Marie
42. “The most precious jewels you’ll ever have around your neck are the arms of your children.”
43. “The level of co-operation parents get from their children is usually equal to the level of connection children feel with their children.”
44. “Children learn more from what you are than what you teach.” – W.E.B. DuBois
45. “Kids need parents, not part-time visitors with a checkbook.”
46. “Your child will follow your example not your advice.”
47. “When you keep criticizing your kids, they don’t stop loving you, they stop loving themselves. Let that sink in.”
48. “Kids go where there is excitement. They stay where there is love.” – Zig Ziglar
49. “Have faith in your child and they will have faith in themselves.” – Justin Blakeney
50. “All kid need is a little help, a little hope, and somebody who believes in them.” – Magic Johnson
51. “Everything you say to your child is absorbed, catalogued and remembered.”
Good Parenting Tips:
Good parenting is a tough job. There are so many things to consider, from discipline to teaching values. The key to being a great parent is knowing what makes a good parent.
There are some basic rules that every parent should follow. These include setting boundaries, providing structure, and giving love. If you want to become a better parent, these tips will help.
1. Be patient
Be patient with your kids. You may not always get what you want, but if you are consistent and show them love they will learn to respect you.
2. Don’t yell at them
Don’t yell at your children. If you do, they’ll only think that yelling is how adults communicate.
3. Give them choices
Give your child options and let him/her choose what he/she wants. Let them make their own decisions.
4. Make sure they eat well
Make sure your child eats well. When they’re hungry, give them food. When they’re tired, give them rest.
5. Show them affection
Show your child affection. Hug them, kiss them, tell them you love them.
6. Have fun together
Have fun with your kid. Play games, go out to dinner, watch movies, etc.
7. Take time to play with them
Take some time to play with your kids. Go outside, take a walk, read books, or just sit down and talk.