If you are looking for quotes about comfort zone then you are in the right place. Here you will find inspiring quotes that will force you to get yourself out of your comfort zone.
You fall into the comfort zone only when you either do not set any goals in life or are satisfied with your current situation, which is both not good for you.
Some of the below quotes about comfort zone will help you understand the importance of moving forward in life.
A ship is always safe at the shore-but that is not what it is built for.
– Albert Einstein

Quotes About Comfort Zone
1. “To be successful get yourself out of the situation that makes you feel comfortable.” – Nitin Namdeo

2. “Do not let inertia dominate your mind, it will ruin your life.” – Nitin Namdeo

3. “Those who choose comfort are never chosen by good luck.” – Nitin Namdeo

4. “Running away from comfort means getting closer to success.” – Nitin Namdeo

5. “Things that are not easy are always worth doing.” – Nitin Namdeo

6. “The seed sown in the shade can never become a fruitful plant.” – Nitin Namdeo

7. “Be scared of your comfort zone; it will make you a lifelong mediocre.” – Nitin Namdeo

8. “How will you achieve best if you get cozy with good?” – Nitin Namdeo

9. “The decision to get yourself out of your comfort zone can be the most wonderful decision of your life that you will be proud of throughout your life.” – Nitin Namdeo

10. “Do not allow yourself to be stuck in your comfort zone; It will fill your future with darkness.” – Nitin Namdeo

Famous Comfort Zone Quotes
11. “You never change your life until you step out of your comfort zone; change begins at the end of your comfort zone.” – Roy T. Bennett
12. “Life always begins with one step outside of your comfort zone.” – Shannon L. Alder
13. “Get comfortable with being uncomfortable.” – Jillian Michaels
14. “Don’t be afraid to expand yourself, to step out of your comfort zone. That’s where the joy and the adventure lie.” – Herbie Hancock
15. “The comfort zone is the great enemy to creativity; moving beyond it necessitates intuition, which in turn configures new perspectives and conquers fears.” – Dan Stevens
16. “Before anything great is really achieved, your comfort zone must be disturbed.” – Ray Lewis
17. “You need to live a little bit outside your comfort zone because you can be even more than you dream of.” – Peggy Whitson
18. “A dream is your creative vision for your life in the future. You must break out of your current comfort zone and become comfortable with the unfamiliar and the unknown.” – Denis Waitley
19. “Don’t be afraid to give up the good and go for the great.” – Steve Prefontaine
20. “True self-discovery begins where your comfort zone ends.” – Adam Braun
21. “Anything you to do to stretch yourself out of your comfort zone will ultimately enable you to take larger risks and grow.” – Leslie Evans
22. “You have to be uncomfortable in order to be successful, in some ways. If you stay in your comfort zone! You would never do the things that you need to do.” – Lights Poxlietner
23. “The best things in life are often waiting for you at the exit ramp of your comfort zone.” – Karen Salmansohn
24. “In life, we should explore options outside our comfort zone.” – Dani Alves
25. “If you opt for a safe life, you will never know what it’s like to win.” – Richard Branson
26. “The comfort zone is a region where great dreams go to get murdered, buried and forgotten.” – Michael Bassey Johnson
27. “In order to be an icon, you need to be bold. How do I define boldness? Stepping outside of your comfort zone.” – Saweetie
28. “The only thing that is stopping you from where you are to where you want to go is your comfort zone.” – Dhaval Gaudier
29. “If you put yourself in a position where you have to stretch outside your comfort zone, then you are forced to expand your consciousness.” – Les Brown
30. “Most everything that you want is just outside your comfort zone.” – Jack Canfield
Inspirational Quotes on Comfort Zone
31. “All types of disabilities come from the comfort zone.” – Nitin Namdeo
32.“To get out of your current situation you have to get out of your comfort zone.” – Nitin Namdeo
33. “Growing up in your life means constantly getting yourself out of your comfort zone.” – Nitin Namdeo
34. “Those who choose ‘risk’ over ‘security’ and ‘hard’ over ‘comfort’ are the creator of their destiny.” – Nitin Namdeo
35. “The most successful people in the world are those who are uncomfortable with their comfort.” – Nitin Namdeo
36. “Laziness pushes you into the comfort zone.” – Nitin Namdeo
37. “Leave your comfort zone to experience a world full of opportunities and possibilities.” – Nitin Namdeo
38. “Often people push themselves into a comfort zone for fear of risk, which is the biggest risk in life.” – Nitin Namdeo
39. “To achieve great things in life, forget all those things that give you comfort.” – Nitin Namdeo
40. “When you become comfortable with your current situation you start falling down.” – Nitin Namdeo
41. “The most dangerous place to stay in the world is the Comfort Zone.” – Nitin Namdeo
42. “Making excuses for yourself is a preparation to push yourself into the comfort zone.” – Nitin Namdeo
43. “Your comfort zone is your prison; of course, you are alive, but your life has neither purpose nor meaning.” – Nitin Namdeo
44. “Big things can never be achieved by staying in comfort zone.” – Nitin Namdeo
45. “Don’t get distracted by comfort, let your hard work disturb your comfort.” – Nitin Namdeo
46. “The Comfort Zone is a place where all mediocre people are.” – Nitin Namdeo
47. “All the dreams you want to fulfill, all the achievements you want to achieve are all outside your comfort zone.” – Nitin Namdeo
48. “All kinds of illusions and fear arise only in your comfort zone.” – Nitin Namdeo
49. “Being comfortable with the present in life is not life, but taking risks and constantly moving forward.” – Nitin Namdeo
50. “The further you get away from yourself, the more challenging it is. Not to be in your comfort zone is great fun.” – Benedict Cumberbatch
51. “Move out of your comfort zone. You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new.” – Brian Tracy
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