shiv khera quotes

100 Shiv Khera Quotes For Success In Life

Shiv Khera is one of the best motivational speaker, author and business consultant. He launched a movement against caste-based reservation in India, founded an organization called Country First Foundation, and started the Bhartiya Rashtravadi Samanta Party. Read Best Shiv Khera Quotes For Inspiration And Success In Life.

If we are not part of the solution, then we are the problem.

– Shiv Khera

Best Shiv Khera Quotes

1. “Under adverse conditions- some people break down, some break records.” – Shiv Khera

2. “90% of selling is conviction, and 10 percent is persuasion.” – Shiv Khera

3. “Winners don’t do different things. They do things differently.” – Shiv Khera

4. “Your positive action combined with positive thinking results in success.” – Shiv Khera

5. “Success is not an accident. It is the result of your attitude and your attitude is a choice. Hence, success is a matter of choice and not chance.” – Shiv Khera

6. “Have a vision. It is the ability to see the invisible. If you can see the invisible, you can achieve the impossible.” – Shiv Khera

7. “Good parenting gives headaches but bad parenting gives heartaches.” – Shiv Khera

shiv khera quotes

8.Education turns an empty mind into an open mind. It turns information into behavioral transformation.” – Shiv Khera

9. “The difference between a great man and a little man is their commitment to integrity and hard work.” – Shiv Khera

10. “Truth may hurt temporarily, but lies leave marks permanently.” – Shiv Khera

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11. “Winners see the gain, losers see the pain.” – Shiv Khera

12. “The best way to sell yourself to others is first to sell the others to yourself.” – Shiv Khera

13. “Values are more important than valuables.” – Shiv Khera

14. “Intellectual education influences the head and value-based education influence the heart.” – Shiv Khera

15. “Being ignorant is not so much a shame, as being unwilling to learn to do things the right way.” – Shiv Khera

shiv khera quotes

16. “Goodness does not lie in greatness but greatness lies in goodness.” – Shiv Khera

17. “Just like a great building stands on a foundation, so does success, And the foundation of success is attitude.” – Shiv Khera

18. “Humans can create their own environment, whereas animals have to adapt to their environment. “– Shiv Khera

19. “So long as you have your eyes on the goal, you don’t see the obstacles.” – Shiv Khera

20. “Leadership is about persuasion, presentation, and people skills.” – Shiv Khera

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Shiv Khera Motivational Thoughts

21. “Just the way our body needs good foods ever day, out mind needs positive thoughts on a daily basis to be motivated.” – Shiv Khera

22. “Ability will get you success. Character will keep you successful.” – Shiv Khera

shiv khera quotes

23.Making money and earning money are two different things.” – Shiv Khera

24. “Wise people prefer to benefit from constructive criticism rather than be ruined by false praise.” – Shiv Khera

25. “A person’s character is revealed by the way he treats his subordinates, the elderly and the disabled.” – Shiv Khera

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26. “The saddest words in life are “I should have”. Make timely decisions and take timely actions.” – Shiv Khera

27. “Betrayal and breach of trust with others starts with betrayal of self.” – Shiv Khera

28. “We judge ourselves by our intentions but the world judges us by our actions.” – Shiv Khera

shiv khera quotes

29. Great organizations are not measured by wages and working conditions, they are measured by feelings, attitude, and relationships.” – Shiv Khera

30. “People with pride in performance hold themselves accountable for higher standards and performance.” – Shiv Khera

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31. “True character is doing the right thing even when no one is watching.” – Shiv Khera

32. “Feeling good is natural outcome of doing good, and doing good is natural outcome of being good.” – Shiv Khera

33. “The only way to get started is to just stop talking and get started.” – Shiv Khera

shiv khera quotes

34. “If we are not a part of solution, then we are the problem.” – Shiv Khera

35. “Nobody drowns by falling in the water, but by staying there.” – Shiv Khera

36. “Most failures are people who habitually make excuses.” – Shiv Khera

37. “Experience has shown that human resource is the most valuable asset of any business.” – Shiv Khera

38. “Your journey to success should be as rewarding and enjoying as the arrival at the destination.” – Shiv Khera

39. “There are good leaders who actively guide and bad leaders who actively misguide. Hence, leadership is about persuasion, presentations and people skills.” – Shiv Khera

You Can Win- Shiv Khera Best Quotes

40. “Success neither brings arrogance nor humility. It just brings to surface what was hiding before.” – Shiv Khera

41. “Truth is pure and simple whereas lies need to be created and invented.” – Shiv Khera

shiv khera quotes

42. “The greatest job security is performance.” – Shiv Khera

43. “Just like disease is more contagious than good health, people are more prone to catch vices than virtues.” – Shiv Khera

44. “Do what you feel in your heart – for you will be criticized anyway. You will be damned if you do & damned if you don’t.” – Shiv Khera

45. “Enthusiasm puts life into life. Indifference is death during life.” – Shiv Khera

46. “Most people want to win. But very few people are willing to pay the price to prepare to win. Luck favors the prepared.” – Shiv Khera

47. “Positive thinking does not guarantee success. Positive thinking with positive efforts increases our probability of success.” – Shiv Khera

48. “There is nothing more dangerous than stupidity and ignorance in action.” – Shiv Khera

49. “It is easier to make money but much tougher to make a difference.” – Shiv Khera

50. “Every product carries the credibility and honor of its maker.” – Shiv Khera

51. “Unless behavior changes learning has not taken place. Education is transformation not just gaining information.” – Shiv Khera

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52. “The easier decisions are between what right and wrong. The tougher ones are between what’s right and what’s more right. That makes more right- right and less right- wrong.” – Shiv Khera

53.Persistence is decision. It is a commitment to finish what you start.” – Shiv Khera

54. “First people waste time and then catches up and waste them.” – Shiv Khera

55.Giving expensive things to our loved ones may not be gifts at all. They may be only apologies for gifts that we never give them.” – Shiv Khera

56. “Foolish people think exercise is useless. If they are well, they think they don’t need it. If they are sick, they can’t do it anyway.” – Shiv Khera

Shiv Khera Quotes

57. “Don’t die before you are dead. Some people die long before they are cremated.” – Shiv Khera

58. “The difference between an honest and a crooked mistake is the intent.” – Shiv Khera

59. “Many times in life people are punished not for their mistakes but by their mistakes. – Shiv Khera

60. When you trust someone implicitly you gain two things – either friend for life or lesson for life.” – Shiv Khera

61. “Courage without integrity is dangerous. Integrity without courage is useless.” – Shiv Khera

62. “Remember, a lasting relationship is a commitment not a convenience, nor confinement.” – Shiv Khera

63. “When we do something positive in life, even when no one is watching, we rise a little bit in our own eyes.” – Shiv Khera

64. “Professionalism: It’s not the job you do, it’s how you do the job.” – Shiv Khera

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65. “Men of genius are ADMIRED; men of wealth are ENVIED; men of power are FEARED, but only men of character are TRUSTED.” – Shiv Khera

66. “When a person gets labeled as a liar, even if they tell the truth, nobody believed them. Remember, credibility is not for sale.” – Shiv Khera

67. “The funny part of honesty is that it does not increase in proportion to wealth.” – Shiv Khera

68. “An upright person can never be a downright failure no matter what he does.” – Shiv Khera

69. “We need to review our core values and principles and resolve to be a person of integrity.” – Shiv Khera

70. “Ability to say no to temptation comes from self-discipline.” – Shiv Khera

71. “Would you tolerate, if someone threw garbage into your living room? Then why do we allow others to throw negativity into our minds?” – Shiv Khera

72. “Learn from other people’s mistakes, because our lives are not long enough to make all of our own.” – Shiv Khera

73. “A small good action is better than a great intention.” – Shiv Khera

Shiv khera Quotes On Success

74. “A good teacher never gives the answers but raises more questions and prepares the students to search for the answers.” – Shiv Khera

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75. “A job well done today is the best preparation for tomorrow.” – Shiv Khera

76. “I would rather fall in doing something great than succeed in doing nothing.” – Shiv Khera

77. “If you want to build and maintain a positive attitude, get into the habit of living in present and doing it now.” – Shiv Khera

78.Knowledge is information. It is potential power and it becomes power only when it is acted upon.” – Shiv Khera

79. “Success is not measured by our position in life but by the obstacles, we overcome to get there.” – Shiv Khera

80. “It’s better to be a good follower than a bad leader.” – Shiv Khera

81. “Ability teaches us how to do, motivation determines why w do, and attitude determines how we do.” – Shiv Khera

82. “Majority opinion does not make the right wrong or the wrong right.” – Shiv Khera

83. “When a person is on the side of majority opinion, ask “did you create it or did they convert you.” – Shiv Khera

84. “The lines on your palm do not decide your future. There are enough of those without hands who write not only their but future of others too.” – Shiv Khera

85. “Personality opens the doors, character keeps it open.” – Shiv Khera

Quotes By Shiv Khera

86. “When a person feels that they got what they deserve because that’s what they earned – that’s pride.” – Shiv Khera

87. “Learn the value of forgive and forget. Do not punish yourself by retaining guilt and resentment.” – Shiv Khera

88. “Real leaders are ordinary people with extraordinary determination.” – Shiv Khera

89. “Indecision is habit-forming and contagious. Many opportunities are lost because of indecision.” – Shiv Khera

90. “People who are habitually quality conscious can never produce mediocre results.” – Shiv Khera

91. “There is no right way of doing the wrong thing.” – Shiv Khera

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92. “It is easier to change 1% in 100 different areas than to change 100% in any 1 area.” – Shiv Khera

93. “We don’t have business problems but, people problems. When we take care of people problems, our business problems are automatically resolved.” – Shiv Khera

94. “Performer gives results, losers give excuses.” – Shiv Khera

95. “Avoid miscommunication. The price you pay for it is horrendous.” – Shiv Khera

96. “Confidence without humility brings ARROGANCE. Confidence with humility brings PRIDE.” – Shiv Khera

97. “Don’t wait for the perfect moment, take a moment and make it perfect.” – Shiv Khera

98. “During illness we seek an exceptional DOCTOR, during construction we seek an ENGINEER, during the war we seek an exceptional GENERAL, then why in politics do we seek A COMMON MAN.” – Shiv Khera

99. “Hands that serve humanity are a lot better than lips than take divinity.” – Shiv Khera

100. “Both FAITH and FEAR attract; FAITH attract POSITIVE, FEAR attract NEGATIVE.” – Shiv Khera

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